Thursday, May 21, 2020
Challenges Faced With Supply Chain Management Business Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2055 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? Strong Bridge provides solution for all consulting and advisory related requirements. We have developed complete integrated business solution, which can handle sales, purchase, inventory, customer loyalty programs, front store management and central store with warehousing for clients in industries like Retail and Distribution, Finance and Insurance, Service and Healthcare. With Strong Bridges Supply Chain Management (SCM) services, businesses are able to plan, implement, optimize and control their supply chains better than ever before. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Challenges Faced With Supply Chain Management Business Essay" essay for you Create order Strong Bridges SCM approach is beneficial to client in Reduction of Inventory Carrying Cost, Improving Purchasing Power, Retaining the client, Reducing pilferage and improving overall efficiency of the business operations. Strong Bridge supply chain management (SCM) systems are used to manage the movement of products and services from dealers to consumers. These systems are used to manage demand, warehouses, trade logistics, transportation, and other issues concerning facilities, and movement and transformation of materials on their way to customers. Strong Bridge Supply Chain Management solutions also include functionality for international trade and logistics, demand management, supplier relationship management and service parts planning. Strongbridges Supply chain management system is most efficient and when it comes to international transportation facilities. Challenges in Supply Chain Management SCM has become a necessity especially for manufacturing industry when it comes to deliver products at a competitive cost and at a higher quality than their competitors. Todays business climate has rapidly changed and has become more competitive as ever in nature. Businesses now not only need to operate at a lower cost to compete, it must also develop its own core competencies to distinguish itself from competitors and stand out in the market. In creating the competitive edge, companies need to divert its resources to focus on what they do best and outsource the process and task that is not important to the overall objective of the company. SCM has allowed company to reconsideration their entire process and reorganize it so that they can focus on its core competencies and outsource practices that are not within the core competencies of the firm. Due to the current expensive market, it is the only way for a business to continue. The stratagem of applying SCM will not only impac t their market positioning but also strategic decision on choosing the right partners, resources and manpower. By focusing on core competencies also will allow the company to create niches and specialization of core areas. In order for your company to sustain relevant in todays marketplace, it is essential to continually look to evolve your supply chain process. Enterprises that prosper and minimize their costs while maximizing their revenues and keeping clients happy recognize that this practice of constant supply chain growth depends on on well thought out and well applied redesign efforts to perform more efficient supply chain planning. Strong Bridge Supply chain system helps client to fill customer orders, to track the physical location or status of goods and materials, and manage their flows effectively and subsequently supports in managing both the aspects of planning and execution. Strong Bridge provides effective SCP with the support of the system has a dependable proc ess for collecting up-to-date information about customer orders, production status, and sales and delivery fulfilments. Strong Bridge Expertise We take very wide spectrum engagements in the supply chain practice. We can help clients take very operational action to straightaway improve supply chain performance indicators, such as delivery accuracy or flexibility. We can also help with more long-term changes such as defining a new supply chain strategy or determining optimal locations for plants and distribution centres. Our client sees an opportunity for increased sales and/or lower cost through better supply chain performance. Across the Operations Practice, generalist consultants and practice specialists work side-by-side. Generalist consultants join Strong Bridge directly after business school, or have a few years experience, and can take on projects across different functional themes. When we staff an engagement team we take into account what is required for the specific situation. The practice has an immense global reach and ability to pull in people and knowledge from across the world. We come from all imaginabl e sectors: retail, high tech, automotive, pharmaceutical and chemicals, even aerospace and defence organizations. We are distinctive in what we do. We work with Clients and Collaborate to develop New Knowledge. We always start by understanding the root causes for missed performance targets. Strong Bridge puts a significant amount of resource into knowledge development, often in cooperation with our clients. Supply chain is a fast moving area, and working so closely with the leading global companies, in combination with heavy investment in our internal knowledge initiatives, allows us to keep pace with development. Strong Bridge strategy We offer Supply Chain Management services to the operations department of clients organization in various functionalities like research and development, engineering, production, materials, plant management, delivery, purchase, and shipping, to name a few. It helps people in operations to attain results by ensuring the delivery of quality products on time to the right place. Strong Bridge strategy supports the creditable services meeting the needs of businesses throughout the world. Our experience working with both small and large organizations has developed our services in assessing and presenting service options to suit your needs. We recognize the dynamic requirements of our clients and develop business models to accommodate their needs. Strong Bridge SCM Services delivers value added services which strengthen the supply chain process ultimately providing clients with greater efficiencies. Our supply chain strategy offers solutions for companies in a range of industries and helps our clients gain a unique perspective, which comes from working together with service providers and clients alike. Strongbridge offers its clients. Demand Chain Management Strongbridge demand chain management benefits in management of upstream and downstream contacts between suppliers and customers to deliver the best value to the customer at the least cost to the demand chain as a whole. Our demand chain system is a tool to bridge the gap between the customer relationship management and the supply chain management. Our supply chain processes are managed to deliver best value according to the demand of the customers. Demand planning service offered by strong Bridge helps you determine which products and how much of these must be produced at which particular point in time so that all customer orders will be fulfilled or served promptly. Our Performance practice can develop and manage your entire demand chain the strategies, people, and systems. By identifying the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that drive your demand chain, we can help you constantly determine whats working or not. Strong Bridge can help your com pany become a Demand Chain Leader. Companies large or small in size can become Demand Chain Leaders and move their company beyond Supply Chain Management. Demand Chain Leadership results in increased customer satisfaction, increased revenue, and increased profit levels on the bottom line. Demand Chain Leadership sets your company apart from the competition and gives you the competitive edge for growth. Integrated Business Planning (IBP) It refers to the technologies, applications and processes of connecting the planning function across the enterprise to improve organizational alignment and financial performance. IBP accurately represents a holistic model of the company in order to link strategic planning and operational planning with financial planning. We deploy IBP and help clients to leverage the organizations information assets to evaluate plans and activities based on the true economic impact of each consideration. Our IBP service transforms planning into a decisive competitive advantage by: Providing an integrated planning platform across marketing, operations and finance Generating a holistic understanding of performance drivers Quantifying the financial impact and interdependencies across planning alternatives Optimizing strategic planning and resource allocation Balancing sales and operations planning for profitability Quantifying financial risk Increasing busi ness flexibility Supply Chain Optimization Strong Bridge also helps in optimizing your supply chain by combining resources in a supply chain with the intent of eliminating bottlenecks and other problems that interfere with the process and helping the supply chain function in a more smooth, timely and cost-effective manner. We use various methods to analyse supply chain data and create simulations that help supply chain planners make decisions that help them reach their goals more effectively. We can alert our clients beforehand who want to pursue a course of action that wouldnt be feasible based on available resources saving them precious time and money and helps them to decide on an alternate course of action that would allow them to achieve the objective they wish to achieve through other means. Our client preference and demand become one of the key importance factors for optimizing the supply chain system. The globalization of applications such as marketing and distribution has led to the creation of the global sup ply chain and added additional layers of complexity to the process. Strong Bridge can support in minimizing these complexities. How Does Supply Chain Optimization Solve Problems Our Supply chain optimization not only helps in improving customer satisfaction, but also keeping their supply chain costs to a minimum. Specifically, optimizing your supply chain is done with the purpose of eliminating or at least minimizing the supply chain issues that would normally arise when either time or resources are limited. Because it takes time to acquire materials, manufacture products, and deliver these products to customers, and even the largest and most established companies have limited resources for performing these activities, a considerable effort must be made in order to keep customers happy. This effort begins with advanced and detailed planning, and continues with effective execution of that plan. However, even under the best of circumstances, problems arise. Supply chain optimization attempts to systematically prevent those problems from arising or to provide solutions to them if they do occur. Supply chain optimization efforts make use of strong Bri dge models that helps to represent how these internal and external factors (constraints) relate to the companys desired objectives. Benefits of Supply Chain Optimization Supply chain optimization encompasses the entire process of combining resources in a supply chain with the intent of streamlining the process and leading to faster, more efficient and more profitable results. Supply chain optimization uses models and planning to formulate solutions to internal problems and external problems. Internal supply chain problems can take the form of complex decisions that the supply chain planner has to make, while external problems stem from the supply chain itself. SB SCM optimization helps in synchronizing concurrent planning, planning levels, and real-time planning and execution. Taking advantage of these services is a crucial part of ensuring that your business remains profitable and your customers remain happy. Enterprise Resource Planning The goal of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems is the successful integration of a companys data and processes in to a single unified system. Vendors can observe highest benefit by consolidating both SCM and ERP systems. Suppliers observe more value added by opting for both supply chain and Enterprise resource planning. Supply chain management (SCM) along with enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, means more than getting the right resources to the right place at the right time. It also means optimally tuning the sequence of events involved in producing goods and distributing them to customers. Our supply chain management system (SCM) has the potential to become a critical success factor for implementing lean manufacturing and helps to define product structure, costing information, financial information and reports and is a useful tool in the decision-making process. The SCM features of Strong Bridge assists you in streamlining your operations to make t hem more efficient and cost-effective. We provide our supply chain offerings to both manufacturing and service organizations. It has emerged as the new key to productivity and competitiveness of manufacturing and service enterprises. Strong Bridge Advantage We assist you in solving the complex problems of just-in-time manufacturing, inventory reduction, and efficient manufacture and delivery of goods to outdo your competitors. Increase top-line profit growth through supplier collaboration. Increase customer service and decrease stock-outs. Reduce inventory carrying costs. Optimize your value chain for cost reduction and profit improvement. Reduce operating costs, corporate-wide. Increase competitiveness. Create supply chain visibility, including among trading partners. Adapt quickly to changing market conditions and adjust accordingly without detrimental customer impact. Determining product price and availability, determining alternate product logistics, and ensuring that manufacturing materials are available when needed. Maximizing the effectiveness Reducing the number of products returned.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis Of The Movie American History X - 858 Words
There are many definitions of racism. Some focus on culture, or intelligence, and still others on the meanings and assumptions associated primarily with physical appearances. Often racism is a matter of learning–whether at the very personal/familial level, or the institutional level. The film,American History X, tells the story of two brothers who are both involved with a Neo-Nazi gang in Venice Beach. The movie starts with the older brother Derrick getting out of jail for the murder of two black gang members. At the same time his brother is getting out of jail, the younger brother Danny is forced to write a paper about his brother s influence on him. The movie then unfolds as part of the paper that Danny is writing. It goes through how Derrick and Danny both became skinheads, what Derrick did to land himself in jail, what their family went through as they both delved into the Neo-Nazi world and what they both participated in as part of this gang. The film American History X will be analyzed using cultural relativism to determine how it relates to cultural anthropology, specifically focusing on kinship,ethnicity and race, and social organization. Kinship is how cultures define relationships with people who they think of as family. All societies use kinship as a basis for forming social groups and for classifying people. However, there is a great amount of variability in kinship rules and patterns around the world (O neil,2015). In the movie, we see thatShow MoreRelatedMovie Analysis: American History X1349 Words  | 6 PagesThe movie I decided to analyze for this course was American History X (1998), which stars Edward Norton. Though this movie isn’t widely known, it is one of the more interesting movies I have seen. It’s probably one of the best films that depict the Neo Nazi plague on American culture. 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Logistic Operation Free Essays
string(428) " then shipped to local stores from deport following acceptance of depot in charge \(Jones and Clarke, 2002\) Under the context of logistics operations, Tesco has introduced one policy that is continuous replenishment policy as a substitute to the batch data progression with constant system of flow then several order are transmitted to dealers in turn minimizing the stock rendering and acquirements of best inventory control\." In the current challenging industry, any organization strives for supplying the finalized products and goods to the consumer prior to they tend towards the rivalry products. Retailing is an important segment of financial activities of both developing and developed national economies along with retailing and valued aided and wholesaling. Logistics is the significant function in any organization which plays responsible role in each and every aspect of movement as well as material storage over their journey from dealers to end customers. We will write a custom essay sample on Logistic Operation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Major operations include in logistics of an organization are inventory management, transportation policies and emerging of IT systems. In the light of above, the following report is intended to perform the critical evaluation of two companies in retailing industry and comparison between them. For this evaluation, Tesco and Sainsbury which are the two leading players across the UK retailing market are selected. As a part, various operations adopted by these two companies and its contribution towards the business productivity and sales are discussed. Subsequently, replenishment policies and transportation mode strategies are also described in detailed. Finally, in these aspects comparative analysis is performed between Tesco and Sainsbury and based on identified challenges faced by them, proper recommendations are presented. Company profiles: Tesco Plc: TESCO PLC is one of the leading retailers across the globe. This company mainly deals with the retailing business and its related activities in UK, the Czech Republic, Malaysia, Poland, Slovakia, South Korea, United States, India, Hungary, China etc. t also offers various other services such as insurance services through its subsidiary, retail banking, and retaining services which offer in store that include phone shop or customer restaurant, optician, pharmacy etc. presently, it maintains over 180 opticians. This company stores and distribution networks provides the opportunities for customers to choose the products whenever it suits them from more than 770 stores, close to where they live. Currently, it maintains the 45 stores that provide the offer of grocery Click Collect. In the year 2011, this company acquired 77 stores of Mills Group in UK. In the year 2012, this company obtained Mobcast. Sainsbury: Sainsbury PLC is one of the major grocery and retailing related firms. This firm is administered three kinds of business segments such as financial services, retailing and property investments. From March 17, 2012, this firm operated over 10,000 stores including 440 convenience stores and 572 supermarkets. By this Company, some investment properties held which includes joint ventures with The British Land Company PLC and Land Securities Group PLC. This firm includes click and collect services which enables the consumers to place common products orders via online through 2pm for compilation the next day from over 900 stores. The general merchandise website of this firm provides more than 6,000 own brands and branded products. In the year 2011, this firm obtained two companies such as Global Media Vault Limited and online entertainment company. Analysis of logistic operations of TESCO: Logistics in practice: This company is one among the prominent retailer across the globe with above 4000 stores and sales of nearly  £50 billion per year. They are implementing enduring strategy intended for increasing development on the basis of their desire to perform their best every day for the consumers. In regard to this, Tesco focus upon four distinct areas such as development within core business, UK, global business expansion, to play a leading role in non-foods in similar as food sector and to pursue the consumers to new services of retailing (Bearnon, 1998). To assists their logistic operations, it is being implemented a vast and effective logistics network that distance the world. It constantly progresses meant for exceeding the ever-changing consumer demands. In context to retailing consumers, this company is constantly changing and responding through the provision of modern products and services since there is a constant change in the habits of consumers shopping that eventually has the impact upon their UK stores (Tesco, 2009). In 1970s, majority of this company sale were in quite undersized retailing shops across town centers. Later, during the period of next 20 years Tesco shutdown such undersized stores for concentrating upon large size retailing stores and out-of-town growth. In recent days, the company aided smaller metro and express formats, thus by the year of 2008 they gained nearly 2. 5 million mt2 of sales area comprise four distinct major formats in order to exceeding differing requirements (Clarke, 2002). †¢ 150 additional alongside greater than 6000mt2 and trading all types of domestic products †¢ Nearly 450 supermarkets in addition 2000-5000mt2 and concentrating over food sector †¢ 200 metro stores in addition to 700-1500mt2 trading less number of food varieties as well as ready meals 550 stores with till 300mt2 providing a regional service of about 7000 lines The varieties of food products are constantly extending by aiding to own brand like healthy living, organic, Free From, finest, organic and many more. In addition to food retailer, the firm currently trading the domestic products and persists its diversification into distinct fields such as insurance, finance, internet and telephone service, healthcare, petrol station, pharm acies and many more (King, 2000). Also, business operations in UK stores have amended with the development of self service explores, 24/7 opening, shopping in online, shelf ready packaging and club card. Additionally, it has shifted into electronic commerce business which is the cause of transforming several logistic aspects indulging online based home delivery service with more than billion pounds of sales per year (Fernie and Sparks, 2004). Logistics replenishment policy: Tesco Company maintains nearly 13% of share across UK retail industry. The concentration is been to enhance a share in food retailing during enlarging the scope contribution towards hypermarkets. At this moment, this company achieved the optimum efficiency of supply chain in addition logistics operations are currently targeted by rivalries. At present, the stock is verified regularly over real time basis and on the basis of inventory, order are progressed as core. Production schemes are generated and then shipped to local stores from deport following acceptance of depot in charge (Jones and Clarke, 2002) Under the context of logistics operations, Tesco has introduced one policy that is continuous replenishment policy as a substitute to the batch data progression with constant system of flow then several order are transmitted to dealers in turn minimizing the stock rendering and acquirements of best inventory control. In the light of this the challenge of extreme inventory transmitted to the dealers. The traders got such orders in accordance with the needs one or more number of times per day by core batch processing segment. Then the same were progressed with the help of dealers and placed in accordance with the batch orders and demands at depot of Tesco stores. Several dispatches are made to make sure effective fleet consumption and quick replenishment process (David, 2004). Transportation model for national and global operations: For the intension of product distribution in national wide, Tesco is been pursuing the intermodal transportation policy through various mediums of transportation such as road, canal and rail. Also, it pursues a center and scope model at where the main storage houses are rendered and utilizing them the products are shipped to regional business stores. Inventory at regional business stores as well as storage places is traced through the central processing part (Mishra, 2004). Reports of inventory are created upon the basis of real time across the domestic stores at the instance when the inventory are diminishing below the safety margins, the product warehouses are informed as well as the stock is delivered. The management like freight system is introduced which ensures the minimum price rendering for transportation is chosen. For global functions, Tesco must seek standardizing and maintaining their dealers over a global level. An analogous center as well as spoke model has been employed. The product storage place is been appropriately placed closer to sea shore like dock segment for making sure that the global deliveries been rendered over moderately inexpensive more of transportation through sea way. The selection of dock segments is been made relying upon the labor and commercial laws for making sure the optimum profitability of total process of supply chain. Main warehouses are retained relying on the area of final domestic stores. A spoke model and an expanded center identified with the business products transported from dock segments to main storage places and finally towards end stores (Deborah, 2010). Analysis of logistics of operation of SAINSBURY: Logistics practices: Sainsbury being performed the logistics practices in terms of inventory in efficient and proper manner targeted to sales and business growth. Under this scenario, approaches like maximizing the trailer space and recognizing unneeded journeys have been assisted in boosting up the company revenues to nearly  £360million over first two quarters of the year. With effective logistics management, the company has gained in profit by around 8. 2% (Smith, 2000). Those while driving the work are signifying the way of structuring their daily activities in much efficient manner in order to make use most of time taken for driving. Also, the firm spending in innovative technology of supply chain is for enhancing their services of logistics. This technology indulges a modern system which offers the instantaneous predicting and ordering for assisting the Sainsbury Company for enhancing the service effectiveness and minimizing the waste. Additionally, in the other fields at this company indulge the employment of self-scan check outs as per the share cast assisting the firm to equalize any sort of inflationary pressures over the period. For making the company’s logistics as much as effective, they make sure to associate the correct stores geographical to correct depots, minimizing of distance. Also, they give training for their driver to regulate effectively in addition to the introduction to double-decker Lorries which is useful for shipping large amount of goods in single time (Jones, and Clarke, 2002). In perspective of both primary and secondary logistics operations, the firm attempted to reduce the release of CO2 gas. Regard to primary functions, they make use of empty trucks for collecting the products from store deliveries with the help of dealers and amount of gathering has presently exceeded of around 140,000 per annum. Regard to secondary practices, a targeted venture upon automobile fill has resulted into the enhancement of above 1. 5% across total fleet of store delivery. Emission of CO2 gas for every 1000 cases shipment has reduced to nearly 120. 5kg of recent year. As a result, the decrease of 1% over the annum and nearly 17% on past five years implies that the firm has already exceeded the target in the year 2012. In addition, they have acquired the decrease of around 1,800,000Kms distance in this year by making use of own and dealer’s fleet in much effective manner (Amanda and Amelie, 2012). Logistics replenishment policy: Sainsbury Plc Company employed the policies for replenishment that are SABRE as sales relied approach for generating and processing the orderings of the consumers, which generates the total list of desired products for the purpose of carrying out the operations. Additionally, in recent days the company is making use of Just- in Time model especially for effective replenishment when compared with the conventional sales based replenishment (Gustafsson, Jonson and Smith, 2006). The intension behind the replenishment policies of this company is to provide the best chain management of dealer to store replenishment and also minimizing the time taken for such process along with stock rendering. This comprises series of significant systems that differs the base of ordering which is considered as crucial operation for the firm. In this company, the systems are scheduled to emerge the total pool of stock level across branches using the scanned data as well as the data related to receipts. With the above models, several distributions are created for assuring the effective function of the fleet as well as faster replenishment at this company (Latika and Patthaveekarn, 2009). Transportation model for national and global operations: Sainsbury’s performed the business operations in a well-planned way in both national and global wide. The global strategy of the firm is considered as rapid follower though with ever-changing resultants. Over the period of past few years, this company entered into several new markets such as Scotland, Northern Ireland, Sprucefield and Lisbum. The firm used the advantage of IT solutions within the aspect of transportation mode through the execution of advanced version of paragon software close to its national wide distribution. The intension behind the shipping operation is to join the paragon’s scheduling maximization along with telematics in order to drastically expand the exactness as well as employed of complex transport policies (Michael, 2006). In addition, Sainsbury implementing integrated transport management system for fulfillment of above intension. Productivity of the firm is raised by nearly 8%, grown the implementation abilities around 12% and increased levels of on-time distribution is about 17%. The performance of daily activities has increased with the help of paragon software for nearly 19 centers of the company to 276 smaller stores and 527 super markets along with the assignment of trailers, drivers, rigids and tractors to routes for several years. Additionally, this firm guaranteed the multiple shifted transport plans are attainable and pragmatic (Liam, 2004). Comparative analysis of the two companies: From the above evaluation and reviews about the logistic operations of both Tesco and Sainsbury retailing companies in UK, it is comprehended that across the retailing sector, Tesco is being acquired constant leading position over the Sainsbury as it dominated especially in food retailing. Currently, Tesco stood at top one while Sainsbury ranked as second position across the UK market. Though these are leading players across competitive environment of both national and internationally, it is required to still seek for the development of distinct format stores relying on the area and user characteristics. For instance, Sainsbury and Tesco have created presence of high street and city hub as a part of logistics operations by means of developing the Metro and express of Tesco and Sainsbury local. Various policies of logistics replenishments are adopted by these two organizations as per their capabilities in effective way with an intension for quick replenishment that leads to attainment of success. However, it is clear that while Tesco has been sustaining its development rate by being a dominant retailer by purchasing retail outlets in dissimilar countries, Sainsbury’s has been improving its global presence by establishing its own outlets. Also, the utilization of IT infrastructure seems to be lagging behind in case of Sainsbury’s when contrasted to Tesco. Overall, it can be understood that both of these companies should make changes in utilizing the Information technology (IT), should solve the legal and taxation issues in foreign countries ,should strive to decrease the cultural conflicts while seeking international expansions and implementing logistics operations. Recommendations to TESCO and SAINSBURY: TECSO and Sainsbury have achieved much and proved stronger in the logistics operations: For the next 5 years, the following are the recommendations to the companies to grab and sustain the market place in logistics operations. Investment on the technology is a wise decision. The technology used in Logistics should be upgraded/ adopted as per the current industry standards. This will make the organization stand few years ahead of its competitors. Transportation charges could be combated by increasing number of distribution centers. This will also enable the customer to keep close of the organization and the needs of the customer are met easily. Customization of the logistic operations is a much hyped solution for a better logistics today in any organization. . Irrespective of the customization, small or mushroom, there needs to have a greater visibility, operational efficiency and revenue enhancements should be the prime focus of the customization. Route planning is said to be other better improvement strategy in logistics operations in which an organization starts to identify costly routes and try mitigating the route costs. Modern technologies make use of tracing and identifying the routes based on the risk, capacity and the cost. The choice should be based on the calculations of the elements. Intermodal transport is one of the next best things that companies could opt for in case of the long distance logistic operations. It not only reduced costs, risks and the effort but also prevents environment with low emissions of fuels. How to cite Logistic Operation, Papers
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